Snapshot is your chance to take control of what you pay for insurance. Drive less, in safer ways, and during safer times of day to maximize your results.


February 24, 2017 to Present

The details in this section apply if you signed up for Snapshot during the time period above. (If you added Snapshot to an existing policy within a year of the starting date for this period, then your Snapshot experience may fit under one of the prior time periods below. Please call 1-877-329-7283 for assistance if you have any questions.)

Scroll down to see the Snapshot details for other time periods.

Your Snapshot Experience

For customers who come to Progressive with a full set of driving data available from a Progressive-approved source, the Snapshot experience is essentially complete at time of enrollment. The Snapshot results are calculated and applied at that time. No additional steps are needed.

For customers who share driving data through a device provided by Progressive, the Snapshot experience generally occurs over a policy period:


If you enroll in Snapshot when you buy your policy, you'll save immediately with a Participation Discount. The Participation Discount does not apply when Snapshot is added to a vehicle on an existing policy.

If you participated in a Snapshot test drive prior to purchasing your policy, your test drive results will be applied at time of purchase and remain in place for your first policy period.

Driving Period

Your participation in Snapshot begins when you start sharing your driving data.

You’ll receive a Snapshot device in the mail about five to seven days after you sign up. Plug in the device and start driving with Snapshot as soon as you can. If you don’t want to plug in the device, simply return it. If you enrolled when you bought your policy, you must plug in within 45 days or you’ll lose any Participation Discount.

You’ll drive with Snapshot for a full policy period, which may be either six or 12 months (check your Policy Summary for details).

Snapshot Results

You’ll get an email when we have enough information to calculate your Snapshot results. That email will also let you know that you can unplug and return the device.

You’ll see the Snapshot results applied when you renew your policy at the end of your driving period. This will replace any Participation Discount or initial results from a vehicle that participated in a Snapshot test drive.

Opting Out

If you decide within the first 45 days after you sign up that you no longer want to participate in Snapshot, simply return the device. You’ll lose any Participation Discount immediately, but keep your standard Progressive rate. If you stop participating more than 45 days after you sign up, we’ll remove any Participation Discount immediately and apply a charge when your policy renews.

How Snapshot affects your insurance rate

If you enroll in Snapshot when you buy your policy, you'll save immediately with a Participation Discount. If you continue to participate in the program, the discount will remain on your policy until your first policy renewal.

Your Snapshot driving results are set at the end of your driving period. These results correspond to a discount for safer driving habits or an increase for riskier habits. While your driving results are set at the end of your driving period, your corresponding discount or increase percentage may change over time.

If you stop participating more than 45 days after you sign up, we’ll remove any Participation Discount immediately and apply an additional increase when your policy renews.

What we use to calculate your Snapshot result

  • Hard braking—Hard brakes are decreases in speed of seven mph per second or greater. Your Snapshot device will “beep” when you brake hard. Minimize hard braking to work toward a discount.
  • Amount of time driven—The number of minutes that your engine is running during a trip. To earn a discount, try to minimize your time behind the wheel by combining trips, carpooling or using public transportation.
  • Time and day—The number of minutes you spend driving during higher risk hours—the highest risk are between midnight and 4 a.m. on the weekends.
  • Fast starts— Fast starts are increases in speed of nine mph per second or greater. Also known as “jackrabbit starts” or just “putting the pedal to the metal.” Use a lighter foot on the gas pedal to work toward a discount.
  • Trip regularity—The frequency with which you drive at the same time of day and same duration.